A Faith Journey of a Lifetime! Please come join my journey…..

My miraculous journey started in September, 2015 and continues.  To learn more about this miraculous journey, please read here.  In order for you to fully understand why I’ve stood for this many years and continue to stand until it’s completely finished, it’s important for you to know how vitally important my integrity is to me.  What I would like to do is share with my readers how I have used my faith throughout this tremendous faith challenge to see God-like results.  My pastor has always said:  “Integrity always wins, it just takes time.” (Dr. Philip D. Derber, Sr. Pastor of Faith Victory World Distribution Center).  I would also like to encourage you to stay with me on this journey of a lifetime to see how God moves in mighty ways for those who love Him.

James tells us that faith without works, or corresponding action, is dead.  It was extremely important for me to “stay in motion” with my faith throughout the last four years, and you will soon discover how God honored my actions of faith.  God’s Word is very much alive, it’s quick, it’s powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword!   So let’s start the journey….


God Said it, I Believed it, and I Still Confess it Daily–Faith in Motion


Remembering the Promise of Ezekiel 21:27 was a daily event, as I put action (corresponding action) with my faith.  I was fully persuaded that when I opened my Bible that day early on in my faith challenge, that it was God speaking to me.  I claimed it in the realm of the spirit, believed it in my heart, and I acted accordingly.  When God speaks, you’ll remember nearly every aspect of the encounter.

As I shared in an earlier post, I had prayed for a specific Word from God for the challenge I was facing, and when I sat down and opened up my Bible I was in a book of the Bible I don’t normally go to.  Ezekiel is in the Old Testament, and I usually spent time in the Psalms and in Proverbs, but rarely Ezekiel.  While there, Ezekiel 21:27 seemed to leap off of the page, and I knew it was highlighted to me for a reason.  I wrote it down, dated it in my Bible, typed it, and then confessed it for well over two years.  To help with the process of remembering the promise, I used music on a daily basis.

Early on in the faith challenge, we had a visiting minister who had a music ministry, Terry Matthews, and I will share several of his songs throughout the journey.  Many days I would pull up this song and have it play continuously to fill my home with my personal promise, and with hope.  It was the last thing I heard in the morning before going to work, and the first thing I would hear when I got home.  It was easy to believe the lyrics to the song since that’s exactly what God said He was going to do, and He wasn’t going to let me down.

Over three years later, this song still ministers to me.  Because of that, it plays in my home quite often because I know, without a doubt, that…”God is Gonna Turn Some Things Around.”  I hope you enjoy Terry Matthews and his ministry.
